Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sew Joyful Living Explained

This fun spring twirl shirt was made to match knitted wool capris made by Aimee at Jade Gaia. The fabrics are designed by Sandi Henderson as part of her Farmers Market series, sold by Michael Miller. The shirt is a size 12 month. I love this design as it has a more fitted bodice and lots of twirl!

It was actually this item that inspired me to create Sew Joyful Living. The week before this item went live, my bible study on finances challenged me to "Look for an opportunity to meet someone's needs this week as a way of sharing Christ's love." The whole study is centered around how we use money. My WAHM income from Joyful Baby is the only income that I really have that is "mine", so I decided that the money I made from the sale of this item would be the dedicated to "something" special, but I didn't know what at the time.

Today, I decided the "something" special would be to "buy" a sheep through World Vision. This is the description from their Gift Catalog, Item #0117 Warmest Wool, cost $105: "Send a sheep to keep cold children cozy. For impoverished families, a sheep's wool can yield soft, warm, long-lasting clothes. Sheep often give birth to twins or triplets, which can be sold at the market. And, sheep's milk is up to twice as rich as cow's milk in nutrients like protein, calcium, and B vitamins that growing kids need." What a perfect gift considering how valuable my fellow WAHM's and I find wool!

Now, the sale of that one item did not give me the full $105 to "buy" a sheep. I am going to designate some other items that I have for sale. And, those all of those proceeds will add to the start that I have right now. Come back to check on the progress!
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